How To 5-0 Grind !

Okay, in this post I will tell you about how to perform 5-0 Grind.

A 5-0 grind is like the 50-50 grind but instead of both trucks sticking on the ledge, you just stick the back one, so it’s basically like a manual grind. You’ll definitely want to know how to 50-50 grind before learning the 5-0 grind.

Okay,Check this out!

1. Find a good sized ledge, rail or curb to practice on. Make sure it's not too high and the surface is smooth enough approach your target, with your feet set up in an ollie position. You should approach at no more than a 45 degree angle at a moderate speed.

2. Be sure to keep your eyes on the target, and know exactly where you want to jump onto.

3. Pop your board into a clean ollie and shift your weight to your back foot. As you land, only your back truck should be touching the object you're grinding on.

4. Bend your knees slightly as you land on to your target and stay balanced throughout the 5-0 grind.

5. When you want to get off, you can do one of two things. You can either lift your nose slightly and pivot off, or you can ollie off. You should definitely learn the pivot off first before trying the ollie off.

6. Land, absorb the impact by bending your knees, and ride away.

Or you can see this video :

Or you can open it here :

I Hope you enjoyed learning how to 5-0 Grind.
Thanks for reading, see you again friend!

sumber :