The heelflip is similar to the kickflip, and is a natural next trick to learn. If you don't know how to kickflip, you can still learn to heelflip, but I recommend first Learning how to KICKFLIP in my BLOG POST, Heelflips are a little harder than kickflips.
Okay, Check this out !
STEP 1 - Heelflip Stance
Heelflip Stance / Foot Placement______________________________
Position your feet like you would an ollie - with your back foot across the tail for the pop, and your front foot near the center of the board. However, you will want to have your front foot placed more forward on the board, so that your toes hang off a little. This will make the trick much easier.
STEP 2 - THE POP & KICKThe pop is done just like with an ollie, except that right after you pop the board into the air, you need to kick the heel of your front foot forward. Once your front foot leaves the skateboard, point the toes of your front foot up in the air, and kick your front foot forward, out in front of you. You want to be flicking the edge of the skateboard with your heel. This is, of course, why it's called a heelflip!
STEP 3 - Get Out of the Way
Heelflip - Out of the Way
Just like with a kickflip, you want to get our feet out of the way of the board so that it can spin freely. Take this moment to pull your front foot back up underneath you, and get ready to catch the skateboard. When heelflipping, the skateboard can spin pretty fast. It helps to be looking down and watching the board spin, but try to not lean forward.
STEP 4 - Stay Level
Heelflip with P-Rod keeping it level
Just like with the kickflip, make sure you stay level. If you lean too far forward - as in, toward your toes, you will tend to leave your skateboard behind you. Keep yourself level, and your weight over your skateboard. Take another look at this photo of P-Rod at the X Games, pulling off a switch varial heelflip. Notice how level his shoulders are with the ground.
STEP 5 - Catch the Skateboard
Once the skateboard has spun around completely one time, put your back foot on it to catch it. This means that you'll need to be watching your skateboard, to see when it has made one complete flip. This can be tricky - keep practicing. Some day when you are awesome, you'll have a stronger board sense and be able to kickflip without watching the board, but even pros look down when they do tricks, so keep an eye on that board. Once you catch the skateboard with your back foot, you'll want to put your front foot on the skateboard too.
STEP 6 - Land and Roll Away
Skater: Steven Reeves
This is done just like with a kickflip. As you fall back toward the ground and land, bend your knees again. This is important! Bending your knees will help absorb the shock of landing on your skateboard, it will keep your knees from getting hurt from the impact, and keep you in control of your skateboard. bend your knees deeply as you land. Finally, just roll away. If this sounds simple, then great – get out there and practice! If this sounds too complicated, don’t worry. Just go slow, and take your time.
This is a lot of technical information to remember while trying to do a trick that takes only a second or two. Just make sure you understand the concept - make sure that you have a good mental picture of what's happening. Go practice, and if you run into a wall, come back and read some more, and hopefully you'll get it. Your body is learning how to heelflip more than your mind is, so it may take time. With practice, you’ll eventually get it.
STEP 7 - Alternate Heelflip Style

Alternate Heelflip Target
The heelflip can be done other ways as well. A very popular method technically isn't a heelflip at all, but the skateboard does spin in the same way. This method is called the "Anti-kickflip", or "Opposite-kickflip", and most people find it easier than the true kickflip, and it can look a lot cleaner.
In this version of the heelflip, you want to set your feet up the same way you would for a kickflip. When you pop your board into the air, you make the same motion as with a kickflip, but you flick the board on the opposite corner (see photo). This makes the skateboard spin the opposite way from a kickflip. It's a fairly simple variant of the trick.
However, be careful - the kickflip is a more natural way for your board to want to spin. With this heelflip version, the board has a good chance of flipping up and nailing you in the groin. Sound like fun? Oh, it isn't.
Info From :
Video for How to HELLFLIP :